
Why Energy?

Energy efficiency and sustainability are top priorities, and BlueMarvel.Energy stands as a fundamental component of smart energy management. Our solution aims to lower energy consumption of smart energy while enabling enterprises to make well-informed energy usage and generation decisions.

How Does Energy Work?

Built around the ISO 50001 energy management standard, our solution provides a framework to manage energy and other consumable resources across one or more industrial operations. By continuously tracking each energy stream, our solution enables you to make your operation more profitable and sustainable by managing these variable costs.

BlueMarvel.Energy allows industrial organizations to adopt policies where energy is viewed as a variable cost that is actively managed rather than a fixed overhead.

Application Focus

Visualize energy KPIs across your company.

Application Focus

Track energy generation costs using AI to identify energy anomalies resulting in savings.

Application Focus

Benchmark energy use and generation across fleets of operations.

Application Focus

Establish a continuous energy improvement model based on accurate energy information.

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